Cordova InApp Android Demo You find a demo android application here. Note, the issue about “You need to sign into your Google...
Angry Aliens Get Started The Game The game Angry Aliens is a physic shooting game similar to Angry Birds. The game is...
Ebook – Quick Starter Guide About This ebook shows you how to develop games using Construct 2 and get them to mobile platforms using Ludei’s...
Install a Plugin in Cocoon Cocoon Here you can install the Cocoon Plugins provided by Ludei. Install CocoonAds -> AdMob SDK -> AdMob native Ads...
CocoonAds – Setup Mopub Mopub It’s possible to add AdMob or mopub Ad-ID’s to your construct 2 project. Depending on what ID you have...
Free Construct 2 examples for Cocoon Cocoon Example Templates This site provides free Construct 2 example projects for Ludei’s wrapper “cocoon”. Make sure that you have installed the latest...
iOS – Add InApp Products Disclaimer [creativ_alertbox icon=”pencil” colour=”blue” custom_colour=””]The Apple logo, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, iTunes Connect and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.,...
Cocoon – Game Store Getting Started! Before you can open the Construct 2 plugin you need to install all needed plugins. You can find...
CocoonIO – Make a “On Exit” message in Construct 2 Exit Dialog Imagine the player of your game accidentally press the back or exit button and the game just close. That’s...
AdMob – Create your Ad ID’s AdMob In order to add your ads to your game you need to create the corresponding Ad ID’s first in...