Cordova InApp

Android Demo

You find a demo android application here.


Cordova - InApp 5.62 MB 1174 downloads

Download our demo application for InApp features. ...

Note, the issue about “You need to sign into your Google account comes from, that the apk file was not downloaded from the Play Store!”.

Just to be sure...

Please note! In order to get InApp working you must download the App via the Store. Otherwise you get this error message.




CocoonIO – Install the plugin

Go to your Project on and add following plugin in the custom section.



Construct 2 – Install the plugin

Just drag’n’drop the .c2addon file into construct 2.

Google Play

APK Secret

The Cordova IAP plugin needs a Secret. You get that from your Google Play Developer Console. So login into your Dev Account and select your application. Then go to “Services & API’s and copy the code into your Cordova IAP Plugin.


Copy the code above, and paste it in the corresponding field.


Code Example

If the plugin installation was successfully you can download and open our code example for Construct 2 (for personal use only).

Cordova - InApp (capx)

0.3 MB 1413 downloads
Updated on May 6, 2018
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