CocoonIO – Complete Guide for Construct 2 What’s CocoonIO? [creativ_alertbox icon=”heart” colour=”green” custom_colour=””]Ludei is shutting down their serivce Cocoon.IO. All members have been notified by mail. If...
AdMob – How to test ads For more information, please see here. [creativ_button url=”” icon=”heart” label=”Android Developers” colour=”red” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_blank”] Sample Ad Units Google...
Modular Game Template Get Started You bought our Modular Game Template and now what? Here I going to explain you how to get...
Cocoon Troubleshooting & Fixes Troubleshooting This page contains known issue and ways how to fix those. If you are facing any unlisted issues, don’t...
The Version Code Version Code Sometimes it’s necessary to change the app version code for instance if you want to update an Intel...
Performance – Do’s and Don’ts Performance Performance is the key. Laggy or power consuming apps and games annoy the player and eventually lead to bad...
Google Analytics for Construct 2 and CocoonIO Google Analytics Google Analytics helps you to track your user behaviors in your game. This will deliver data for improving...
Chartboost – Setup your Campaigns Chartboost Now it’s time to add new campaigns to your app in chartboost. In order to do that, select your...
Cordova Chartboost Get Started You can download our Android Demo Application to see how the result will look like. Chartboost If you...
Cordova AdMob Cordova AdMob If you have installed the plugin in C2, you must do the same in your CocoonIO Project. For...