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  6. CocoonIO – Make a “On Exit” message in Construct 2

CocoonIO – Make a “On Exit” message in Construct 2

Exit Dialog

Imagine the player of your game accidentally press the back or exit button and the game just close. That’s fairly frustating. So add a “On Exit” message to your game to ensure that the player really want to close the game (like shown on the screen shot below).



You can find a live demo here.

[creativ_button url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ciotemplate.shatter” icon=”play” label=”Android Demo” colour=”green” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_blank”]

All what you need for this is the “Cocoon CanvasPlus” plugin by ludei. You can download it along with many other awesome plugins over here.


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You can download a capx example over here.


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Download our free game template Cocoon On Exit Message. This template shows you how...
Updated on May 6, 2018
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