Free Construct 2 examples for Cocoon


Cocoon Example Templates

This site provides free Construct 2 example projects for Ludei’s wrapper “cocoon”. Make sure that you have installed the latest Cocoon Plugins.

If not, you can download them here for free (github, maintained by Ludei)


Cocoon Construct 2 Plugins 0.00 KB 11142 downloads

Download the Cocoon Plugins for Construct 2 now! The download link fetches the latest...

Browse cocoon templates



Cocoon - On Exit Message 0.2 MB 1431 downloads

Download our free game template Cocoon On Exit Message. This template shows you how...

Cocoon - Exit Message (CordovaDialog) 0.2 MB 1538 downloads

Download our free game template Cocoon Exit Message. This template uses the plugin...

Cocoon - Chartboost Ads 0.2 MB 1425 downloads

Download our free game template CocoonChartboostAds. This template shows you the...

Cocoon - GooglePlayGames (Cordova Game) 0.3 MB 2055 downloads

Download our free game template Cocoon - GooglePlayGames. This template uses the...

Cordova - InApp (capx) 0.3 MB 1413 downloads

Download our free Construct 2 template Cordova - InApp. This template shows you how...

If you want to use any code of this files in a commercial project, contact me first! The files are only for study purposes (Personal Use) only, but you can buy a inexpensice license for commercial use here.

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Browse our wiki to find the accurate tutorial for you.

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The troubleshooting page contains know issues and a fix suggestion.

[creativ_button url=”” icon=”warning-sign” label=”Troubleshooting & known bugs” colour=”dark-gray” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_blank”]

If you face some unlisted issue, please let us know here.

[creativ_button url=”″ icon=”heart” label=”Scirra” colour=”green” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_blank”] or  [creativ_button url=”″ icon=”heart” label=”CocoonIO” colour=”dark-gray” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”straight” target=”_blank”]

Updated on May 6, 2018
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