CocoonIO – Complete Guide for Construct 2 What’s CocoonIO? [creativ_alertbox icon=”heart” colour=”green” custom_colour=””]Ludei is shutting down their serivce Cocoon.IO. All members have been notified by mail. If...
Publish your game to Google Play (Android) Android The Google Play Developer Console If you want to publish your game in the Google Play Store, what we...
Android APK Signing Tool (APK Signer) About In order to upload your compiled Android file (apk) you need to sign and algin it. There are several...
Create InApp Products for your Android App InApp Products InApp products are digital products which can be purchased by a player. Basically an inapp product can only...
Android – Test InApp Purchases with Construct 2 Test your InApp’s Sandbox Mode In order to test your InApp Purchase functions perform following steps. Code your functions in...
Cordova InApp Android Demo You find a demo android application here. Note, the issue about “You need to sign into your Google...
PayPal Donation for Android Games (Construct 2) The Plugin The Plugin Cordova PayPal was developed by Cranberrygame and is available in the Full Package (premium). If you don’t...
AdMob – Create your Ad ID’s AdMob In order to add your ads to your game you need to create the corresponding Ad ID’s first in...
CocoonIO – Dashboard Dashboard Here I’ll explain the Dashboard of Ludei’s Cloud Compiler CocoonIO. Create a new Project The easiest way to creat...
Unity Ads – Show Ads using Construct 2 and CocoonIO Unity Ads Account In order to use the Unity Ads service you need an account for unity. Just click the...