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Build your Construct 3 games with Cocoon

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Construct 3

This guide will teach you how to export & compile with CocoonIO using Construct 3. Please note that C3 is currently in beta, the game can have bugs and issues. Don’t use Construct 3 for a live project yet.


At the moment only WebView+ / WebView is working fine. Canvas+ has some issue like screen flickering and a scaling issue. For more details see the Troubleshooting section below.

Project Settings

Some missconfiguration can lead to scaling & blackscreen issues. Please use the recommended project settings shown below.


Do not use the Construct 3 splash while targeting Canvas+ as WebView engine. This will lead to a crash and a blackscreen. For WebView+ it’s fine.


Visit editor.construct.net and open your project. Then go to “Menu” -> “Project” -> “Export”.

[creativ_button url=”https://editor.construct.net/” icon=”cog” label=”Launch Construct 3″ colour=”dark-gray” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]

Choose Android or iOS depending on which platform you want to build.

Set your export options (checked ticks in screenshot are recommended, the script minifing can lead to issues in cocoon)

Depending on your project size the built can take a while. Once it’s ready click the “Download [Project Name].zip” URL in order to download your cordova export.

Project Archive

To make the C3 export working you need to adjust the archive file structure. So first unzip the cordova export.

Then enter your unzipped folder and delete the “config.xml” and the “config.json” file from it.

Then enter the “www” folder and zip the remaining content (use WinRar) and upload this file to Cocoon.


Please find a guide here.

[creativ_button url=”https://shatter-box.com/knowledgebase/cocoonio/” icon=”cog” label=”Build with CocoonIO” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]


Please find the c3 sample project attached.

Cocoon Testcase

0.16MB 1364 downloads


In this section we will inform you about known issues and fixes (if available yet).

Scaling Issue

The scaling issue happens only while using Canvas+ as WebView engine. WebView+ is working fine though (if you set the right settings in your Construct 3 project).

Updated on May 13, 2018
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    1. Hi,
      sofar there is no solution for this bug. I talked to Ashley, however he thinks that the problem comes from cocoon. Once there is a fix, I’ll post it here.


  1. Wish Canvas+ would work with Construct 3. Webview doesn’t have the same performance.

    For me, I didn’t have to delete the config files since I’m only zipping the www folder. I’m also not zipping the files within the www, but the www folder itself to get it to work.

  2. I agree with jook00 Canvas+ is awesome if they would give support, they have a huge a gap between both in Performance

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