Corsairs Escape


Corsairs Escape is a complete game optimized to Ludei’s CanvasPlus ( allowing perfect performance for Android builts. With some little adjustments you also can publish it on iOS!

The game itself offers an endless game expierence. It’s simple but addictive!

The package includes all assets as well as the Construct 2 source code (capx file).


You can download the game template including the capx file here.

[creativ_button url=”” icon=”download-alt” label=”” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]


Please download & play the demo application first. You can download an apk here.


Welcome to our documentation for Corsairs Escape. Here you’ll find all information needed to get started with our Game Template. First of all, please make sure that you have installed all listed plugins / behaviors below. Otherwise you cannot open the capx project file.


Please see the requirements for this game template.

  • Construct 2 Personal Edition or higher
  • Below listed plugins & behaviors installed


Our game is using some third-party addons (plugins & behaviors) adding a lot of new features and possibilities to the game. Below you’ll find a list showing you all used addons. If you don’t have those addons installed, please download / purchase those first.

Please note, some plugins are premium plugins. You need to own those plugins! They are not included in this package.


  • CocoonAds
  • CocoonInapps
  • CocoonGooglePlayGames
  • CocoonGameCenter
  • CocoonCanvasPlus

Please download the cocoon plugins here. Those plugins are made by Ludei and are available for free at


Cocoon Construct 2 Plugins 0.00 KB 11207 downloads

Download the Cocoon Plugins for Construct 2 now! The download link fetches the latest...
  • Cordova Dialog
  • Cordova Google Analytics

Those plugins are premium plugins and included in the “Cordova Plugin Package” sold by Cranberrygame. If you do not own this package, please get it here.


Cranberrygame - Cordova Plugins 150 MB 5018 downloads

Download the awesome Cordova Plugin Package provided by Cranberrygame. The package...


All used behaviors are made by Rexrainbow and are available for free. Please download the missing ones below. Please download the missing ones below. Just click the list items in order to get to the download page.


Adjust radius

If you want to increase or decrease the radius (distance ship to island), just drag the ship up or down.

The game automatically uses the distance of the ship to the middle of the island at start of the game as radius.

Watch out!

However do not make the distance greater than the width of your viewport. Otherwise the ship goes out of the layout.


Shooting interval

The shooting interval of the tower depends on the current stage. It gets calcualted by

[code]clamp(1/stage, 0.2,1)[/code]

While the minimum is every 0.2 seconds and the maximum is every 1 seconds. You can adjust this at the “es_game” event sheet at “Game” => “RandomShoot”


Here you find all information for the used functions.

In work

Currently in work


All game relevant functions.


Updated on May 2, 2018
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