Intel XDK – Complete Guide for Construct 2

Intel XDK

Please note that Intel XDK has been deprecated! See the statement of Intel below,


Intel® XDK has been discontinued. Below are alternative resources for building mobile HTML5 applications with Apache Cordova* software. Intel offers a portfolio of tools to help IoT developers go from rapid prototyping to production. Try Arduino Create* for a streamlined prototyping experience and Intel® System Studio for an all-in-one development tool suite.

Read the full statement here.


For this tutorial you must have at least Construct 2 r225 (beta) and Intel XKD Build 3088 installed!



Get your certificate

[creativ_button url=”” icon=”book” label=”How to get the Intel XDK Certificate” colour=”blue” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]


Open your project and export via Cordova.


Then uncheck “Minify Script”.


Then check “Use new Intel XDK project format”


and eventually on “Export”. Then go to the export target folder and open the “Cordova Game Plugin.xdk” file with a code editor and go to “cordovaPlugins” (example shown below)

No power to bugs!

The latest beta update (r226) has fixed the issue with the wrong plugin code in the new intel xdk file. So following steps shouldn’t be necessary anymore. If you still get an error while opening the project, contact scirra.


Intel XDK

Now switch to Intel XDK. Make sure that you use the latest version (at least Build 3088). Click on “Open an Intel XDK Project” and navigate to the export targed folder and select the “Cordova Game Plugin.xdk” file. Then click open.



It will take a while till Intel XDK has imported the project. Give it some time.

Add Plugins

Now you can add all your plugins in the “Plugin Management” Section.


Cranberrygame Cordova Plugins

Following plugins have been tested with the latest Intel XDK 3308+ version. Please make sure that you have installed at least Construct r226 (beta). In this version Scirra has fixed the bug with the wrong plugin pathes in the Intel XDK project file.

Cordova AdMob

This plugin doesn’t need any modification. If you open the Intel XDK Project file Intel XDK will import all needed plugins automatically. You can review in the Plugin Management section if it worked.


Construct 2 Example Files

Don’t know where to start? You can get our Construct 2 example file here.

[creativ_button url=”″ icon=”download-alt” label=”Game Template 3 – AdMob + IAP” colour=”theme” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_self”]

Cordova Game

Plugin Source: Cordova Plugin registry

Plugin ID: cordova-plugin-game

Then click on “Add Plugin”. You will then prompt to input your Google Play Game APP ID (only numeric!).

Cordova AdMob

Plugin Source: Cordova Plugin registry

Plugin ID: cordova-plugin-ad-admob

Then click on “Add Plugin”.

Cordova IAP

Plugin Source: Cordova Plugin registry

Plugin ID: cordova-plugin-payment-iap

Then click on “Add Plugin”.

Cordova Powermanagement

Plugin Source: Cordova Plugin registry

Plugin ID: cordova-plugin-powermanagement

Then click on “Add Plugin”.


Demo Files

Here you can download demo files for Android built with Intel XDK 3308 or higher.


Cordova AdMob Demo 24 MB 2466 downloads

Download our Cordova AdMob demo application built with Intel XDK 3308. ...
Updated on May 6, 2018
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