CocoonIO – Scaling Issue

Scaling Issue

Image made by ArcadesIndo Games

Image above submitted by ArcadesIndo Games. Thank you!


all scaling relevant issues should be fixed now. If you are still facing such an issue, please check the steps below.


If you still get a scaling issue on your device, please check the steps below.

  • Do you use the latest Construct 2 version?
  • Have you WebGL enabled?
  • Have you set “Use high DPI displays” to yes?

Still not working? Try the following fix.

Update c2runtime.js

Oh no, a bug...

This is an unfixed bug! If you still have the issue that the game is 1/4 of the screen size, please do this after each export.

Open your c2runtime.js file and search for “this.canvas.height = Math.round(h * dpr);”. Then add into the if condition “|| this.isCocoonJs” (see code below).

if (this.canvas)
this.canvas.width = Math.round(w * dpr);
this.canvas.height = Math.round(h * dpr);
if (this.isEjecta || this.isCocoonJs) //maybe this is better (Ask Ashley): if (this.isDomFree)
{ = Math.floor(offx) + “px”; = Math.floor(offy) + “px”; = Math.round(w) + “px”; = Math.round(h) + “px”;
else if (this.isRetina && !this.isDomFree)
{ = Math.round(w) + “px”; = Math.round(h) + “px”;



If it still doesn’t work, drop us a line on the cocoon forum. Do not forget to attach your capx file! You can contact me here.

Updated on January 21, 2017
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  1. this happened to me just because i choose export setting to HTML5,

    guys make sure your export setting was “CORDOVA”

    if you choose HTML5, this half screen scaling will happen.

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