We are taking the privacy of our users seriously! We are aware that user data and its safety is very important you. Starting 2018 May 25 we will be compliante to the EU data protection requirements including the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

If you want to learn more about GDPR, please see the FAQ below or at the official website linked below.

What exactly is GDPR?
The GDPR (long General Data Protection Regulation) is a new European law set to improve the protection of your personal data. It will later replace the EU Data Protection Directive (“Directive 95/46/EC”)
What data do we collect?
Basically we store data required for your user account. This is your provided email address and your user name. Furthermore if you provide information like your physical address, for instance if you purchased any item what needed shipping, those information will be saved as well
Do we give away your data to third party?
No! All your provided data are only for the use of our service! We do not give any data to third party organisation.
What can I do?
With the new GDPR we also added some new features allowing you to close your account, to download all your saved data on, rectify your saved data or make a complaint.
How can I close my account?
If you want to request the deletion of your account and all data saved along with it, please go to this page.
How can I download all my saved data?
If you want to download your saved data, just visit this page. There you can request a download link. To protect your data, the download link will be sent to your account email address.
How can I rectify my data?
If you want to complain, please do so on this page.
How can I complain?